How to fix out of gas Ethereum error (MetaMask)
Author: @Mycryptoview Token
Last Updated: January 04, 2023
If you are sending Erc20 tokens or ETH and you are getting the error "Warning! Error encountered during contract execution [Out of gas]" like the image below, follow the steps in this guide to fix the error.

- Go to Advanced options in your MetaMask wallet.

2. Check the gas limit and if the gas limit is 21000 as shown below, you will need to adjust the limit.
3. Adjust the gas limit to 182060

4. Click save and continue with your transaction.
Note:- Always check recommended gas prices via to make sure you are using the recommended gas price for your transaction. If you are still getting errors after trying the above steps, you can ask a question using the ask button below and we can help or one of our community members might be able to help. After EIP1559 Ethereum upgrade, Metamask made changes for more details you can read How to use the new Metamask(EIP1559)
You can track large Ethereum transactions going IN/OUT of exchanges by using our tracker on the Ethereum profile on our website
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