How to buy Aleph Zero(AZERO)
Author: @Mycryptoview Token
Last Updated: January 05, 2023
If you are looking to buy Aleph Zero(AZERO), you can follow the 6 steps in this how-to guide. Some cryptocurrencies may be harder to buy if they are not listed in major exchanges, however, you can still buy them using Decentralised exchanges(DEX).
Follow the steps below to Buy Aleph Zero(AZERO):-
- Go to Coingecko, and check where you can buy Aleph Zero(AZERO) and with which cryptocurrencies you can use to buy AZERO.
Coingecko provides a list of options to buy cryptocurrencies also known as market pairs.
2. Click on the search box on the right hand conner of Coingecko and type Aleph Zero(AZERO)
3. On the AZERO coin page, click on the markets tab.
4. On the markets page, pick an exchange to buy Aleph Zero(AZERO)
5. Create an account on your chosen exchange
Before creating an account on any of the exchanges listed on the markets tab, make sure you have done your research as different exchanges have different security and liquidity.
6. Buy Aleph Zero(AZERO) on your chosen exchange
You will need to deposit fiat currency e.g US dollar or any other supported fiat currency by your chosen exchange into the exchange. If you are unsure about how to buy AZERO on your chosen exchange, you can check your chosen exchange guide or ask a question using the ask button below.
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